USB can help you save for the future
Whether you have something special planned like a vacation or new car or just want to save for emergencies, USB can help.
Savings Account
Save for that special purchase, event or rainy-day fund.
- Interest is compounded quarterly and automatically credited to your account
- $300 minimum daily balance to avoid a $6 quarterly service charge
- Your service charge may include a withdrawal fee of $1.00 for each withdrawal/transaction in excess of 6 during the quarterly statement cycle
- Transfers from a Savings account to another account or to third parties by preauthorized, automatic, telephone or computer transfer are limited to six per month
- Rate may change after account is open
Holiday Club Savings Account
Make holiday shopping a breeze by saving all year.
- Interest is compounded quarterly and automatically credited to your account
- Your service charge may include a withdrawal fee of $1.00 for each withdrawal/transaction in excess of 6 during the quarterly statement cycle
- No fee or minimum balance
- The balance in the account will be transferred back to the funding account annually on November 15th.
- Transfers from a Holiday Club account to another account or to third parties by preauthorized, automatic, telephone, or computer transfer are limited to six per month.
- Rate may change after account is open
Minor Savings Account
Teach your children to save early with a savings account.
- Interest is compounded quarterly and automatically credited to your account
- No fees or minimum balance while the account holder is under the age of 18 years
- Transfers from a Savings account to another account or to third parties by preauthorized, automatic, telephone or computer transfer are limited to six per month
- Rate may change after account is open
Tiered Money Market Account
The more you save, the more you earn.
- Interest is compounded daily and will credit to your account monthly.
- Earns more than a typical savings account, but with the convenient access to funds
- Save your money without as much risk as stocks or bonds
- Competitive rates
- $5,000 average daily minimum balance to avoid a $10 monthly service charge
- You must maintain a minimum balance of $5000 in the account each day to obtain the disclosed annual percentage yield
- Tiered interest structure
- Transfers from a Tiered Money Market account to another account or to third parties by preauthorized, automatic, telephone or computer transfer or by check, draft, debit card or similar order to third parties are limited to six per month
- Rates on tiers may change after account opening
Certificates of Deposit (CDs)
Keep your money in an FDIC-insured CD while earning interest.
- A variety of timeframes and rates make our CDs right for you
- A penalty may be imposed for withdrawals made before maturity.
Fees may reduce earnings - Accounts automatically renew for similar term upon maturity
- Open with only a $1,000
Individual Retirement Account
Save with the potential of tax advantages. IRAs invested in term certificates of deposit.
- A variety of timeframes and rates make our IRAs right for you
- Interest compounded quarterly and credited to account quarterly
- Open with only a $1,000
- Withdrawals from principal, before maturity, subject to approval.
- A penalty may be imposed for withdrawals made before maturity.
Fees may reduce earnings

How can we help?
United Southern Bank is ready to serve you in many different ways. USB has state of the art technology with the power for you to bank anywhere, any time.