Hometown Banking Advantage

I always knew that I wanted to grow this business, both in sales and in physical size. The salon was at peak capacity with only five chairs able to fit inside the building. For several years, this worked well.
When the time came to grow by means of a building loan, I’m glad I worked with lender Bill Wonus at USB. Every step of the way, Bill was there. I took the blueprints to him and then he lined everything up, from the appraisers to the surveyors. He was extremely helpful and accommodating, bringing all of the paperwork to me – I never set foot in his office once.
Now, our building is double its original size; we have gone from five chairs to ten. The bigger space allows us to have a community sitting area and room for classes. All ten of our chairs are full with associates who are looking forward to continuing to grow their books of business.
With USB, I found a bank that feels personal. It reminds me of how hometown banking used to be. It's not so corporate and so big. It was very comfortable. I will be transferring all of my merchant services to USB in the very near future!