Community Banking in Leesburg South
Located on the corner of Highway 27 and CR 48, our South Leesburg branch is dedicated to providing local banking and personalized service to our customers. Whether you need assistance with personal banking or are looking to meet with our Trust or Investment Officers, our branch is equipped to cater to all your financial needs.
Our knowledgeable and approachable staff is readily available to address any questions or concerns you may have. Whether you're a long-time customer or new to United Southern Bank, we are committed to providing personalized attention and finding solutions that align with your financial goals. Visit our South Leesburg branch today and experience the convenience of community banking combined with personalized service. We look forward to serving you and becoming your trusted financial partner!
Our knowledgeable and approachable staff is readily available to address any questions or concerns you may have. Whether you're a long-time customer or new to United Southern Bank, we are committed to providing personalized attention and finding solutions that align with your financial goals. Visit our South Leesburg branch today and experience the convenience of community banking combined with personalized service. We look forward to serving you and becoming your trusted financial partner!
Tara BairdBranch Manager
27524 Hwy 27
Leesburg, FL 34762
Leesburg, FL 34762
Phone: 352-669-2121
Fax: 352-728-5963